
Coconut Natural Goodness

    It is always a wonderful thing when someone recovers from a challenging health condition and comes out to tell the world about it! Many have seen the full potential of Bioresonance Therapy and want to share their real life experiences. This is Testimonials Home.

   Men and women of all ages have willingly offered their true, unvarnished stories of recovery and we have gladly accepted to collect their experiences and share them with you. It looks like this list of testimonials is going to continue to grow.

   We celebrate all the success stories and look forward to even more stories from individuals who have fully benefited from Alternative Health Therapy.

   We have compiled these stories and designed a user-friendly navigation system for your ease of reference. Click   More >>  at the end of every brief testimonial to read the full version of the same story. You can also go to the next testimonial or click on Testimonials Home at the bottom of the page to come back to this anchor page.

   1. Hyper Eosinophilic Syndrome - "My skin does not itch anymore ..."
   "After one month of painful itching, constant scratching and skin bleeding, I saw my family doctor. She prescribed a topical ointment that I constantly applied for two weeks non-stop, but my condition did not improve. My itching got worse and the skin rash continued to spread. I saw a different...   More >>

   2. "I have diabetes, high blood pressure and I even got Covid-19."
   "I am a 78 year old man. For more than 20 years, I have suffered from diabetes, high blood pressure and back pain. In the last 5 years, I have also been experiencing sharp pain shooting from the left side of my chest, close to where the heart is. The pain would start on that left side and then move to...   More >>

   3. "I have been on antiretrovirals... I am immuno-compromised."
   "I was born with a compromised immune system. For all my life, I have been on antiretroviral medication. Antiretroviral drugs are used for the treatment of infection by retro viruses. They help to keep my immune system strong enough to fight off disease. As many of you can relate, it is very...   More >>

    4. "I was advised to undergo a mastectomy...  the swelling is gone!"
   "It was about 13 years ago when I noticed a lump in my left breast. It wasn't painful or bothering me at all so I just ignored it. However, about a year later, I started experiencing pain. In addition to the lump and pain, my breast was now swollen. That's when I decided to go to the hospital. The doctor...   More >>

    5. "I had low energy... I became energetic and my usual self!"
   "I am a young man and I consider myself to be quite healthy. I heard about Bioresonance therapy from a friend. I wasn't feeling sick, but I had noticed for a few months that I had been feeling lethargic and tired. I thought it was something that I would get over, so, I didn't pay too much attention to it...   More >>

    6. "I had stomach pains and Crohn's Disease.... my health is better."
   "For a period of four years, I had been suffering from stomach pains, loose stool, pain in my knees but I had no idea why. I consulted various doctors and was prescribed for antibiotics and pain killers that simply masked my symptoms. They didn't help much. In my health conversations with my...   More >>

    7. "I suffered from hypertension... I have reduced medicine by 80%"
   "I have been suffering from hypertension, back pain and acidity. I have been in and out of hospitals for the treatment of these ailments and tried to manage it all with conventional medication...   More >>

    Well, there you have it. You or someone you know may have positively benefited from Bioresonance Therapy and would like to have that testimonial featured on this or another page. Please feel free to share your story. Go to our Contact page to share your story. Select the "General Comments and Questions" option in the drop-down menu and briefly tell us your Alternative Health Therapy success story!

    With your permission, Sawazisha will publish your testimonial here at no charge. Your testimonial could find itself among these heartwarming and real life stories. As always, your privacy will be protected.

* This information is a result of experiences from individuals in the application of Oscillation Therapy principles of Bioresonance, in use since 1975. It does not replace the advice from your medical doctor or a naturopathic practitioner. Results will vary from person to person. We do not promise to diagnose or cure the ailments or disorders that you are dealing with. We promote therapies that have been seen and proven to work.